MSR - Israel Center for Medical Simulation, is situated in Israel’s largest hospital, Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, and is world-renowned as a leader in the medical simulation field. MSR offers simulation-based training programs designed to improve clinical and communication skills as well as teamwork, with the ultimate goal of improving health care quality and protecting patient safety.
MSR is built as a virtual healthcare environment covering over 2400 square meters, with rooms that can be transformed into almost any healthcare environment, including clinical examination rooms, hospitalization rooms, Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit and operating rooms.
- The Elsa and Professor Leo Ziperkovsky Auditorium which is located next to MSR is utilized for large groups training. The auditorium is equipped audio-visual systems and is connected to the simulation rooms at MSR and to operating rooms at Sheba Hospital.
- Pavilion 17 - We expanded MSR facilities and established a new compound ' Pabilon 17' which is located near MSR and composes advanced audiovisual debriefing and monitor, manage and Control multimedia & AV systems.
- MSR Jerusalem - MSR Jerusalem is a simulation center focusing on the fields of welfare, education and medicine. The new center opened in September 2017 and is located on the Haruv Children Campus on Mount Scopus
- MSR - Emergency Department Sheba – A new simulation room for simulation-based emergency medicine workshops opened on 16.4.2019 at Sheba Medical Center.
Contact details can be found in our contact page.