The scope of MSR's clients is extensive: Regulatory organizations such as the Ministry of Health & Israel's Medical Association, the medical corps of the IDF, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, all Israeli hospitals , HMO's, medical schools, nursing schools, Magen David Adom and various other organizations and NGO's.
We welcome you to join our pool of clients and learn from our innovative approach with the aim of increasing patient safety.
Our clients and partners share their impressions of the MSR learning experience:
- "Methods developed and implemented by MSR are revolutionizing the manner in which physicians and allied health personnel are trained, with a renewed focus on patient safety and demonstrated competency through training with simulated patients in a controlled multidisciplinary "simulation center” environment. MSR has had an incalculable truly worldwide impact". William F. Dunn, MD, Past Medical Director, Mayo, Multidisciplinary Simulation Center, Minnesota USA.
Share your MSR experience with us on our digital cork board

- "MSR is a visionary and visioning place…unique in the world. They have collaboratively built a pioneering national centre of excellence that integrates the art and science of patient safety, quality improvement, education, cognitive behavior and human factors science. We have visited simulation education centres on 6 continents in the past 2 years…and MSR is second to none!" Vinay Nadkarni, MD, FCCM and Ellen Deutsch, MD, FACS, Directors, Centre for Simulation, Advanced Education and Innovation at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
- "The Israel Simulation Centre has in a very short time become an internationally recognized world leader in the art and science of medical simulation. It has brought sophistication and realism to simulation-based training and has made it an important tool in the education and training of all medical professionals in Israel." Kevin Lachapelle, MD, Past Director, McGill Medical Simulation Centre, Montreal, Canada.