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Consultation Services

Consultation Services for Simulation Centers

=> MSR - Brochure 

As Israel’s national center for medical simulation, MSR serves as a model for leading medical centers and faculties of medicine worldwide. MSR offers consulting services on a variety of areas related to the establishment and operation of a simulation center, including architectural design, audiovisual systems, and simulator acquisition.

A consulting program for the establishment of a Medical Simulation Center: 
Consulting from the initial planning phase to the  establishment phase including architectural, infrastructure and audio-visual specifications. 

The MSR team will work with you and your architects, engineers (electric and air conditioning) and multimedia consultants to provide the following services: 

  1. Required functional elements in order to optimize utilization of training spaces (modularity / versatility / flexibility) 
  2. Layout of educational spaces – training & debriefing rooms as well as observation corridors and one way windows
  3. Space requirements of control rooms and IT 
  4. Baseline infrastructure requirements including ceiling heights, widths of corridors, storage spaces and other logistical /
  5. operational considerations. 

Consulting in the characterization of the audio-visual system for debriefing and feedback as well as characterization of   the management and operation of the simulation center (e.g. management of the scenario bank, actors, simulators and   video archive):

  1.  Audio-Visual specifications - definition of needs, architecture, available products and software as well as space considerations 
  2. Simulation-center Debriefing software needs Simulation-center Management / Operation and Logistic software needs 
  3.  IT needs and infrastructure (network, servers, virtualization, RFID, storage etc.)
  4.  Editing and Real-time Viewing features
  5.  Performance Assessment features and simulation-based testing IT software needs
  6. Control rooms and control stations

Included among the simulation centers that MSR has helped in their establishment and/or collaborated with on establishing simulation-based curriculum:

 Multidisciplinary Simulation Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA -  Collaborated on Simulation-based Intensive Care Curriculum

 The Mt. Sinai Skills and Simulation Center at Case Western Reserve University,  Cleveland, Ohio, USA

 Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning, McGill University, Montreal,  Canada

 Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paolo, Brazil

 New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia Simulation Center, Columbia University, New  York, USA


= > Google Map: MSR's International Activity locations. 


MSR also consults organizations in Israel on establishing simulation centers, with clients that include Ariel University, Ben Gurion University and Ashkelon Academic College. 

=> MSR - Brochure (2014-2015)

=> For more information on MSR consultation services please contact


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