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About Research & Development

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Research and development is a large function of the clinical simulation center and revolves around the validation and exploration of the use of simulation in medical education, and the development of simulators that serve a specific instructional purpose in the training of physicians and clinicians.

Ongoing research includes the validation of high, medium, and low fidelity simulators for task and system level training in medical procedures, the uses of simulators for individual and team performance training, the effects of simulation on the selection and acceptance of high fidelity clinical equipment, the uses of virtual reality simulated environments for clinical practice, the impact of simulators on clinician training outcomes, the use of simulators for evaluations and assessment of clinical skills, and the influences of simulators and task trainers on clinical outcomes and patient safety.

Faculty within medical schools, hospitals, Israel ministry of health and other clinicians and educators and in collaboration with government institutions and other medical centers conduct research at MSR.

The faculty and staff of the clinical simulation center also work collaboratively with members of industry to design and develop simulators for medical education and task specific clinical skills.


The mission of the Research department is threefold:

1. To guide an overarching research agenda for the MSR itself, that includes

    the following dimensions:

  • Patient-Safety driven research

  • Technical Skills

  • Procedural Skills

  • Clinical Decision Making

  • Clinical Team Performance

  • Team Coordination & Communication; IPE/IPC

  • Advancement of Medical Simulation Technologies

  • Advance Simulation-based Instructional Methods

  • Development of Objective Assessment/Performance Standards

2. To review and approve applications to conduct research at MSR:

  • Assure that all requested research is from a constituent entity of MSR.

  • Assure that all requested projects have the support of the “home” entity; i.e. department, medical school, hospital unit, etc.

  • Assure the research projects do not interfere with each other or confound other projects being conducted at MSR.

  • Assure that no research project interferes with instructional needs of entities using MSR for instruction and training.

  • Determine what resource costs to MSR are entailed and if the project must be charged for undue burden on MSR resources.

  • Make certain that all research has a defined protocol that is methodologically sound.

  • Make certain that MSR can support the project as it is defined with schedules, personnel, material, equipment, etc.

  • Determine what is expected from MSR personnel to support the project

  • Verify that all MSR supported research has IRB approval (Helsinki).

  • Determine whether the research fits with the overarching research agenda for MSR

  • Assess the merit of non-conforming projects and determine whether or not MSR will support the project on a single issue basis

3. To provide support to individuals and groups wanting to conduct

    research at MSR:

  • Provide templates for research methods and protocols for MSR usage.

  • Prioritize projects so that the maximum number of research projects may be conducted at any given time without compromising other projects or instructional uses.

  • Work with researchers to frame projects for success at MSR.

  • Facilitate connections between/among researchers with similar or coordinating projects.

  • Facilitate collaborative projects wherever possible.

  • Identify potential projects that match MSR research agenda and consider how best to make the opportunities known to the MSR community.

  • Make recommendations to MSR Administration to secure any resources required to support research projects that are determined to be critically important to the overarching research priorities.

  • Identify potential funding sources for projects wherever possible.

  • Provide timely feedback to all applicants about the status of their research project proposals.

  • Provide concrete feedback to applicants after their projects are reviewed, including suggestions for how a rejected proposal could be altered to make it acceptable.

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