MSR – the National Center for Medical Simulation is a non-profit organization operating within the Sheba Medical Center. Its goal is to create a safer, more ethical and humanistic patient-centric medical treatment culture.
Many of MSRs activities are made possible thanks to individual and corporate sponsorships. In addition to advancing the important work at MSR, sponsoring one of our programs is an excellent advertising, publicity and public relations opportunity.
You can choose to sponsor programs related to a specific area of interest, such as trauma, domestic abuse, delivering bad news (among others), or sponsor the purchase of new and advanced training equipment required.
Our sponsors receive an informational booth at their sponsored programs, the inclusion of materials with course packages, and the opportunity to partner with us in special projects. As a MSR sponsor, your name is associated with state-of-the-art, simulation-based medical education, and the training of compassionate, skilled healthcare professionals.
= > For more information on sponsoring opportunities at MSR please contact