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Simulation- based exams and assessment

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MSR specializes in developing simulation-based tests that expose an examinee's performance and ability to function and provide or oversee treatment in “real-life” situations. MSR also specializes in developing oral examinations and training healthcare professionals to evaluate examinees in oral exams. MSR’s partnership with the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) enables professional consulting, analysis and research in simulation-based exams.

We are partners with the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation in the following:

  • Developing simulation-based examinations conducted at MSR - Board Exams are conducted at MSR for residents specializing in Anesthesiology, Adult and Pediatric Emergency Medicine, and Radiotherapy, in collaboration with their respective professional associations. MSR also conducts registration exams for all specialized nurses in Israel in collaboration with Israel's Ministry of Health, Nursing Division, and the certification exam for paramedics, in partnership with Magen David Adom.
  • Consulting development teams for examinations that are not conducted at MSR -  Most of these are oral exams for Israeli medical associations. Exam development: choosing the exam structure, grading and decision-making systems, developing structured evaluation sheets, participating in writing the testing station scenarios, review of psychometric quality. MSR has assisted in developing and updating testing stations and evaluation sheets with the Israeli Associations of Surgery, Orthopedics and oncology.
  • Training the raters of the exams - training of the raters who conduct the screening exam for medical student candidates, and exams for nursing registration (over 2000 raters), certification of raters for oral exams for many of the medical associations (ENT, Emergency Medicine, Orthopedics, Surgery of the hand, etc.).
  • Training how to develop testing scenarios (simulation-based or oral exam) and training writers of multiple-choice exams (the latter through the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation). 

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