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Train the Rater

Evaluation & Simulation-Based Testing (SBT)

In recent years, simulation-based medical examinations have become an important evaluation and assessment tool.

MSR collaborates with the Ministry of Health, Magen David Adom (MDA), the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) and several of Israel’s faculties of medicine in running a series of simulation based examinations that serve as the basis for screening, certification and licensing of medical personnel.

Evaluators are skilled professionals, experts in their medical fields, but in many cases their abilities as an evaluator are below par.

In both simulation-based exams and oral assessments, an Evaluator has a large degree of influence on the results. Therefore, training  Evaluators is an essential and integral part of constructing the exam and administering it. This training is vital to maintaining trustworthy and effective exams.

MSR, in a strategic collaboration with the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE), has developed programs for training new Evaluators and refreshing veteran Evaluators who are responsible for screening, certifying and licensing. MSR is experienced in training Evaluators who screen candidates for Medical School, license nurses in advanced specialty courses and certify residents in simulation-based board exams in a variety of specialties.

The MSR Licensing & Accreditation courses cover the following subjects:

  • Theoretical foundation of the basics of assessment and the inherent biases in evaluation
  • Familiarisation with the unique aspects of simulation-based exams and oral assessments
  • The role of the Evaluator in both oral and simulation-based exams
  • Orientation and familiarization with the exam they are in charge of administering
  • Study of the evaluation form and measurement tools
  • Practice of video-based evaluation that is used for calibrating assessments and implementing the learning material

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